Biodiversity Net Gain to be delivered in January 2024
Today, the government has confirmed that the mandatory 10% biodiversity net gain (BNG) requirement is now to be delivered in January 2024. An eight-week delay to ensure that the policy is implemented in the best possible way for all stakeholders.
This is a monumental opportunity for nature, but it marks a major shift for the development and planning sectors. England is providing global leadership by showing how to create the stable market infrastructure and regulatory framework that delivers the best outcomes for nature.
Environment Bank has a unique approach to BNG, successfully harnessing sustainable investment for large-scale nature restoration. We are continuing to invest our secured funding of £240m into our expanding network of large-scale Habitat Banks across England, providing much-needed security and certainty to landowners nationwide.
We are already the largest national provider of Biodiversity Units, and the certainty of our fully funded solution allows developers to continue their planning application journey with clarity and confidence. We have already started serving the market where forward-thinking developers have begun voluntarily committing to 10% BNG as well as in areas where the policy has already been mandated locally.
Environment Bank is well positioned to continue working closely with landowners. The strength of our model is that it is fully forward funded, providing valuable certainty amid inevitable external changes and influences.
We are passionate in our blueprint for global nature restoration and are certain that BNG policy in England will set a standard which others will follow.
Our funding and strategic expertise allow us to continue creating Habitat Banks that are bigger, better, and more joined up. We are advancing at pace to achieve our goal of establishing at least one Habitat Bank in every local planning authority (LPA) area. This will ensure that there continues to be a predictable and affordable private market for Biodiversity Units available for our existing clients alongside any future clients looking for secure solutions in anticipation of BNG policy becoming mandatory early in the new year.
For more information, please contact our team.