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We are providing nationwide access to high-integrity Biodiversity Units local to where your development is happening.


Since the Environment Act passed, we have been hard at work creating a national network of Habitat Banks to generate the local Biodiversity Units required by developers to satisfy their stringent biodiversity net gain (BNG) planning requirements.

Our Habitat Banks are not only fulfilling BNG legislation, but working alongside local planning authorities they are also supporting local nature recovery strategies, sustainable house building, economic growth, job creation, and the cultivation of thousands of acres of diverse green spaces for communities to enjoy.

Designed by leading ecologists, our gold standard Habitat Banks deliver the best possible outcomes for nature off-site so that on-site green spaces are free to use for recreation and amenities designed with people in mind, such as allotments and playing fields.



These Habitat Banks are fully funded by Environment Bank and all management responsibilities remain with us throughout, this means that our Biodiversity Units deliver a clean break for developers with all long-term liability sitting with us.

Furthermore, by providing expert BNG planning support to all parties throughout the planning process, including funders and planning officers, we ensure the delivery of robust and reliable ecological outcomes that will satisfy stringent planning requirements.



Fully compliant and auditable

We own our Habitat Banks through leasehold or freehold interests in land. Working alongside local farmers and land managers, our ecologists are responsible for all habitat creation, enhancement, and capital works. Spades are already in the ground with Biodiversity Units available now.

We carefully manage the site for the full term to ensure it continually generates the required biodiversity gains.

Our Habitat Banks are governed under s106 agreements or conservation covenants. We guarantee compliance with the Environment Act 2021 and the National Planning Policy Framework.

We undertake all monitoring and reporting responsibilities and, to safeguard long-term planning obligations, secure funding for the project’s lifetime – including all capital costs.

Find out the cost and availability of Biodiversity Units for your development