We've made it really easy to get up and running with a Habitat Bank
Habitat Bank creation is happening at quite a pace – there are already over 30 sites underway, with a further 60 scheduled to commence over the year ahead creating thousands of hectares of new habitat for nature.
By registering your land, we'll be able to tell you your habitat options and the income you could expert to earn with absolutely no obligation. You can be up and running is as little as 24 weeks and payment start immediately on lease completion.
Register your land
There is no obligation here, it’s just the best place to start. By providing details of your land our ecology team will be able to undertake an online review of your site to provide potential habitat options and the income you could generate.
Site walkover
Our ecologists will visit you in person to assess your land in detail. They will talk through all the habitat options including payments, what the management plan might look like and how it would work with your current business operations and sources of funding.
We'll agree the lease and the Habitat Management Plan, and work through all the legal, tax and accounting documentation of which we cover all costs. We'll provide support at every step to make sure the Habitat Bank creates the best outcomes for you and for nature.
Receive your first annual payment up front, all lease payments for the 30 years if you choose, and a welcome to EB bonus. Species-rich grassland, woodland, rewilding sites or wetland – we'll work together to create an amazing space to restore nature.
Interested in partnering with Environment Bank to set up a BNG Habitat Bank on your land?