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Environment Bank leading on BNG at UKREiiF

UKREiiF 2024


PANEL DISCUSSION: TUESDAY 21ST MAY / 14:00 / Industry in Focus Pavilion

Harnessing Off-site Biodiversity Units: The Key to a Successful BNG Strategy

As the BNG market finally starts to unfold, it’s clear that delivering BNG entirely on-site isn’t an option in most cases. Join the leading experts to explore off-site biodiversity units, understand how to incorporate them into your development strategy, look at what’s available, how it works, and how it can be effective.



Alexa Culver

Alexa Culver

General Counsel
Environment Bank

Rico Wojtulewicz

Rico Wojtulewicz

Head of Policy and Market Insight
House Builders Association

Anna Rose

Anna Rose

Head of Planning Advisory Service
Planning Advisory Service (PAS)

Angus Walker

Angus Walker

Infrastructure Planning Partner
BDB Pitmans

Joseph Dance

Joseph Dance

Regional Ecology Director
Tyler Grange

Rachel Danemann

Rachel Danemann

Regional Planning Manager
Home Builders Federation

Lloyd Collins

Lloyd Collins

Principal Planner
Environment Bank



Our Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) experts will be on stand D26 throughout UKREiiF to discuss how our off-site Biodiversity Units are already helping developers meet new regulations, eliminating all long-term liabilities and delivering the best outcomes for nature.

Our team will also have a meeting room available, so if you would like to have a private meeting, please complete our booking form below.