Watch on-demand: Unlocking off-site BNG: LPAs and the role of s106 agreements
Unlocking off-site BNG: LPAs and the role of s106 agreements
Webinar Overview
Securing a section 106 agreement (s106) will be an essential part of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) policy in action, and local planning authorities will play a key role in ensuring that recently mandated BNG policy is implemented effectively.
LPAs will not only be instrumental in enabling developers to meet their biodiversity obligations by granting s106 agreements, but also in making sure that developer’s chosen BNG solutions are delivering the best long-term results for local people and their surrounding landscapes.
Designed to help restore England’s lost biodiversity, BNG has the enormous potential to deliver numerous benefits for communities as well as ecosystems – with several options out there for developers to achieve their 10% net gain on-site and off-site.
In many cases, developers will need to purchase off-site Biodiversity Units as part of their Biodiversity Gain Plans, so understanding the nuances of this process will be vital in preventing any significant delays for the development sector.